Mini Militia Cheats: Hi friends, do you want to win all mini militia matches with your friends? Then you are in a right place here in this post we provide you the best cheat codes to beat your friends and be the best player. The mini militia old version is one of the best online and offline multiplayer shooter game. You can play mini militia with your friends online or offline without the internet.

mini militia cheats codes
Here in this mini militia guide blog we let you know some tricks and cheats codes to beat your friends smartly. Just read the complete post and attain more power. Doodle Army 2 mini militia cheats are really simple to make. If you are using android then I assure you all the cheats will work for you.
Also Check: Mini Militia for PC Windows, Mini Militia Mod Apk Download
Why Mini Militia Cheats Codes:
Most of the time people can’t wait to complete the mission and unlock the features. Especially playing with your friends you will expect more features and power than your friend. These cheat codes will provide you more fun in the game. You can easily use your tricks on other players and winning the matches without much effort. You can also upgrade your game from normal to pro pack that will cost very low. In that, you will get more features like a double gun and unlimited life and so on.
To make more fun we are using these type of tricks (Cheat codes) and mini militia mod download apk’s. You can also try this mini militia god mod apk (all in one mod apk).
Mini Militia Cheats Codes – Doodle Army 2 Tricks and cheats:
Cheats codes are really interesting for video game players. A group of characters make you to play with high features without winning levels and stages. There are many cheats available for mini militia app we have mentioned the cheats code with its details below just read and use the codes to get unlimited powers.
Mini Militia Cheat Codes for Developer preview:
- Auto Shield – AS-197io12HTV
- Melee Attack – MA-RDi027474
- Extra Bullets – EB-RLi97Typ4
- Weapon Upgrade – WU-MN45789
The above codes only work with developer mode preview. For normal apk please try the below mini militia cheat codes.
Check also these cheats:
Captain of the Army: To become the captain Enter ‘duke’.
7000 Battle Points: Now Enter ‘gummy bear’.
No Reloading: Now enter ‘tootsie pop’.
Mini militia cheats for normal Apk:
If you are downloading the mini militia pro pack you don’t need to have cheats codes you will get all powers and features. Still, you can make the below chat codes to play the game much more interesting.
RU – (Ready Up): Get ready for the game.
BI – (Bring it): it is like a “show me what you got” challenge.
CM – (Cover Me): To ask our friend for support.
CB– Come on Boy: (To tease the other player to defeat me)
NS- (Nice Shot)
WP – (Wana a piece of me)
NN – (Noooooooooooo)
HH – (A perfect fighting machine)
MO – (move out)
LG– (Let’s go)
These are all the easy and common cheats’ codes. You want to get more features and powers just try to install mini militia mod download apk. We list down the main features of the pro pack below.
Features of Mini militia pro pack:
- If you upgrade your pro pack you will get all store items available. This pro pack is not that much costly just less than a 1$ only. it is really worthy to download and install to have more fun with your friends.
- Check: How To Download Mini Militia Pro Pack
- You can easily unlock advanced weapons and powers so you can easily win the match.
- It is easy to create a customized avatar. This feature will be more fun while playing with your friends.
- Most if the users don’t like to see annoying ads while playing the game. To avoid that get this mini militia pro pack it will be run without ads.
- It could be the stable one and there is no lag problems in this version downloads and share your experience for pro pack.
These are all the features of the Mini militia pro pack. check out the above mini militia cheats codes and comment below if you know any other cheats codes. Thank you for your visit guys.
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