Everyone has a Smartphone and Laptop now. We all need browsers for searching any content daily using any browsers. Browsing the Internet is trendy today. We can’t lead our day to day life without the browsers. We just need the internet for searching each and everything. A few years ago the students were gone to the internet center for browsing. But now we all have that in our hand. And search anything within a single touch. Lots of browsers are available in the market like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera, Slim jet Browser, and UC Browser etc.
But I am damn sure that mostly you prefer Google Chrome for the fast and secure browsing. If you are using Google Chrome browser, then you must hear about the Google Chrome extensions. Google Chrome Extensions are a browser extension that modifies the Chrome browser. You can easily download the chrome extensions from Chrome Web store. Google Chrome extensions play a foremost part in your web browsing. In this article, I provide the list of 9 Awesome Google Chrome Extensions 2018. All the extensions which I specified below are free, so don’t hesitate to try these extensions.
Maybe you people are Fluent in English. But you may do some mistakes while writing or speaking English. Is no one Perfect Right? When you type an article on your Desktop it shows some grammar mistakes. To avoid those mistakes, you can go with “Grammarly”. Grammarly is a simple tool that corrects your all mistakes while you typing. You can just sign up using the Google account.

grammarly extension
It is a free tool but it offers a premium version for the users who want their article error-free.
Reading News and Books is My Hobby. Reading is the best thing which is used to build your knowledge. Sometimes you are not able to read all the things at the same time. But you need to read all the things, Right? For that, you can move your article or any material offline. A pocket is the best application that allows users to save an article or web page to remote servers for later reading.

pocket extension
So, you can move the article or web page to”Pocket extensions” and read it later offline.
Panic Button:
You get Panic when you are browsing anything while your office time, Right? For that Panic, you can go with this “ Panic Button “Extension. Panic Button makes it easier for you to hide all of your tabs at once just by clicking on a button. After that, all the tabs are saved as bookmarks.

panic button extension
Hereafter, you can browse anything while you are in the office without panic.
Nice Day (Weather):
Nice Day Chrome Extension provides you the city weather information. If you download Nice Day (Weather) extension on your Chrome Browser, it searches your address, location quickly and provides you the detailed weather information of all worldwide, current temperature, humidity, wind etc.

weather extension
It is 100% free. So, download it and use it quickly.
Internet Download Manager:
You may face some difficulties while downloading any files from the internet. Some browsers are very speed and some others are very low while downloading. If you want to speed up your browser or downloading process, then you can go with”Internet Download Manager”

internet download manager
Internet Download Manager is a tool which is used to increase the speed up to by 5 times, resume and schedule download.
Click & Clean:
Your system may be handing or work slowly because of many cache files. So, you have to clean all the cache files for the better results. Click & Clean is the best and innovative tool which is used to delete all the cache files, browsing history, cookies etc. Just by one click on Click & Clean button, you can able to delete your download history, browsing history, temporary files etc.

I hope this article must give valuable information about the Google Chrome Extensions. You must need these Extensions or Web apps for finished your work perfectly and keep your PC or Laptop safe. You can also search these applications is best or not? Thanks for a stay on this blog.
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